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Dearly Departed Page 5

  The radio challenge

  When I look back on my entry into the world of radio, I must have been crazy! I had somehow ended up working with two of the most controversial, outspoken national radio hosts—it was a baptism of fire!

  The words of the producer rang in my ears telling me this high profile presenter wanted a psychic to do a phone reading with him live on air the following day.

  ‘He’s leaving the station this week to take up a position with the rival network. His departure has created much media speculation as to how his career will fare, and he needs some direction.

  Are you available?’

  Out of the mouth of babes—or should I say a naive psychic— I said, ‘Yes’.

  ‘We’ll call you direct, you can give his reading and there may be a chance to give readings to callers. Would you be open to participating?’

  ‘Okay, but all I can do is my best, there are no guarantees.’

  I immediately phoned my mother—I was in total panic mode.

  The man was known as being rude and arrogant; he was acid-tongued and hung up on people.

  I said a silent prayer to Spirit that I have the strength, confidence and insight to move beyond his barriers and difficult ways to give this man hope and some light for him to move forward.

  Taking several deep breaths, I waited for Spirit to come through and give me his messages. I was not prepared for what happened next. I scribbled down all the information given that session. There were pages and pages of notes. Time moved so quickly.

  My bed was beckoning, so I leant over, switched off my bedside light and looked forward to a restful night’s sleep. However, I wasn’t so lucky. I tossed and turned, the thoughts replaying over and over in my mind. He was the king of morning AM radio. His following was massive. What if I was a dud, what if he hung up on me? My fledging psychic radio career would come crashing down. I must have fallen asleep at some point during the night, because I was woken with the sound of the phone ringing.

  ‘Are you ready? We’re putting you to air in five minutes—don’t hang up. He will also ask you some questions direct—be prepared!’

  God, how could I be prepared? I may be a psychic but I’m not a mind reader! I was able to make a quick rush to the bathroom and grab a glass of water before I heard the countdown from the ad break.

  ‘Well, this morning we have Georgina Walker, a psychic, on the telephone. She’s going to predict my future. Good morning Georgina. Do you have some psychic vibes for me?’

  It was then that an amazing stillness came over me. I wouldn’t say I didn’t speak quickly, I probably did. But interestingly, there was silence on the other end of the phone line. I thought he must have cut me off, but in fact he was gobsmacked about the information I had provided. You see, the previous night, I received two Spirit visitors, both related to this man.

  I told him: ‘There’s a man in Spirit who has come to be with you, like an angel or a guide. He tells me he was born in another country and that he protected the borders of that country with a rifle. When he showed me the rifle, it was so long, I was rather surprised at the barrel length. Having migrated to Australia after the war, he hid the rifle among his belongings and secretly brought it here.’

  He was amazed. ‘Not even my wife knows this story, it’s a family secret,’ he admitted. ‘The man you’re talking about is my uncle from Czechoslovakia; he did indeed guard the borders of that country with a rifle like you described. How I know this is that he had it hidden, as it was illegal to hold such a weapon, but one day he showed me the rifle. How could you know this?

  I’m speechless.’

  The second person to come through was a woman who wore an apron, which was tied around her waist. She had a veranda off her house. Each morning she would have scraps of bread in her apron, and would go outside and shake out the crumbs for the birds.

  My subject acknowledged that this was indeed his aunty.

  I think what surprised both of us was that rather than predictions about his future, he had deceased relatives in Spirit wishing to be known to him. I sense he was feeling somewhat isolated, maybe even scared about his future, and his heavenly guides or Spirit helpers were coming through to give him reassurance they were with him in his darkest moments. A lesson I think he comprehended that day is that no matter how high we go, we have our fragilities, but also our guides to support us.

  Then the bomb hit. ‘Okay, so what will happen with the station and me?’

  ‘They’ll live to regret this ever happened. I guess there goes the opportunity of me ever being invited back to this station!’

  So much time was taken up with his interview, I never got around to speaking to any listeners, but it did lead to a TV appearance, where I ended up giving impromptu readings to everyone there. Talk about being placed on the spot!

  I remember one particular prediction; it was for a well-known sporting journalist and now radio host. At that stage, I didn’t know much about her at all. The prediction involved her husband at the time—he would have an incident where she wouldn’t hear from him for a number of days. My guides told me not to fear the worst, as he would be fine and no harm would come to him.

  After the show she told me he was a journalist, who travelled overseas for assignments. Some time passed and I received news that he and his crew had gone missing in Afghanistan. Yet the prophetic words given that day proved to be accurate—they were unharmed.

  Ghostly encounter

  The radio station did invite me back. The stand-in DJ wasn’t really sold on the idea of psychics and what they could achieve, although he did have some experiences with spooky events in his past. The problem that arose between the two of us was the temperature of the studio. Once we got going he had his job cut out, answering the barrage of calls coming through. I can’t recall too much of that particular session, except the most intense coldness I have ever experienced rushed through the room.

  With the mics up and a listener on the other end, I am embarrassed to admit, I said live on air: ‘It’s freezing, why have you turned the studio up so cold?’ By this time the DJ was experiencing what I had felt. The colour drained from his face. We both knew we had a ghost or spirit visitor in our midst.

  My voice started to go and I started to cough and choke as the presence became more evident and stronger. Worried, the DJ switched to an ad break to see if he could give me some assistance— a glass of water or a pat on the back. We opened the studio doors to allow fresh air to circulate, hoping this would free up any residue from the spirit. It was definitely a male energy. I summoned my own special spiritual law of enforcement by issuing the decree, ‘Be gone now, be gone’, knowing well Spirit would leave as quickly as they arrived. We regained our composure, telling the listeners what had occurred, and like true troopers it was ‘on with the show’.

  We found out later in the week that a number of staff at the station had previously had experiences with ‘the station ghost’.

  No-one had told us about that, or I would have been more prepared—sage, salt, holy water, the works.


  Psychic airwaves Psychic airwaves

  Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

  Steve Jobs

  Late in 2000 I received a phone call to appear on a national radio program with the Austereo radio network, ‘Hot 30’, which was hosted by Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O. I wasn’t aware then of Kyle’s reputation as a ‘shock jock’. Later it was revealed he loved nothing more than to have a celebrity embarrassed or a guest squirm in their seats. Tonight I was to be his victim—or so he thought.

  They presented me with six photos, one was of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman and
I declared that they would split very soon. Within six weeks my prediction became a reality. As it turned out Kyle took to me and to this day I say to people that he was the one who gave me my start on radio. I was invited to return as a regular.

  Working with this team led me to read publicly for some of Hollywood’s A-list—one such reading was with John Travolta in his hotel suite while he was in Australia to promote his movie Swordfish in 2001. I had already meditated the previous night asking for guidance from Spirit for a knock-out reading that would allow John some prediction or information that normally would never have been known to the general public or even himself. As usual, I cut out a picture of John from a magazine and waited as I knew this method of divination worked extremely fast and gave strikingly accurate accounts of information about the person’s past, present and future by keenly opening my perceptive abilities. It’s a spin-off from psychometry, where I hold an object belonging to the person I am reading for.

  I wrote furiously, wanting the information to flow as Spirit dictated and I became the note taker. I have learnt over the years to allow the material to flow, not stopping to analyse what is being dictated. Should I pause or ponder what’s given, my rational brain can kick in and the flow of information can slow or even in some cases stop completely. Reading back what I had written later that evening, I was concerned about how I was going to present the predictions without putting John in a difficult situation by divulging too much or breaking confidentiality. That night during my sleep Spirit showed me the movie Lorenzo’s Oil—I knew through this example that John would be able to comprehend what I could see.

  The interview was to last eight minutes, and I’d be given the last two minutes to quickly get my message across. Walking into John’s room, we all shook hands, and as I gazed into his piercing blue eyes, I had the distinct impression that he was reading me!

  One team member held eight fingers in the air, signalling the number of minutes we had to conduct the interview. As the time slipped by, the fingers decreased.

  It was scripted that when Kyle asked John what his favourite movie was, he would reply ‘Grease’, but instead John looked to me and said: ‘Phenomenon. Not that I want to die, but I would like to live my life that way.’ I knew from the film’s content that John was indeed psychic.

  We were almost out of time but I was able to tell him, ‘Due to your early years of suffering [he had been deeply in love with Diana Hyland who was eighteen years his senior and who died of breast cancer] you have been granted fame and fortune as you have a mission to accomplish. Someone close to you, very close, has a male child—I see the movie Lorenzo’s Oil. Are you aware of this movie?’

  John nodded to indicate that he knew of the movie.

  ‘Well, like the movie, this child will be diagnosed with an incurable disease. You will invest much money and eventually find a cure for this disease that in time will save thousands and thousands of people.’

  As I pitched the reading, I knew that John would be able to pick up the clue that it was his child, and, yes, he did just that. As I concluded he threw his hands up in the air and said, ‘Yes, yes, I knew that was my purpose’. His eyes were shining, and those beautiful white teeth of his exposed an amazing warm smile.

  In 2003, it became common knowledge in the media that his son Jett had been diagnosed with Kawasaki syndrome, and at this stage there is no cure. I am convinced this is the mission that the prediction talked about. John is a silent achiever and we may never be told of the amount of money he might personally invest in helping others.


  Dialling heaven Dialling heaven

  We are all blessed ones. Heaven is no longer in the clouds. It is right here, all around us, everywhere; we must only open our eyes to see it.

  Kim Chestney

  Jackie O loves the idea that I can speak to dead people. It is something my regular clients experience as part of their face-to-face readings. We didn’t know how or even if we could be successful using this format on live radio. One thing I have always stood firm on is honesty, integrity and saying it how it is. My mother had taught me to give facts and information first, then ask questions—that way you would not be soliciting information and making it fit in. So many people who work in the psychic realm are not naturally gifted, yet the simple act of looking at someone’s facial features and listening to their voice would be enough to give generalised predictions. I wanted my gift to be accurate and to give honest information so listeners could judge for themselves.

  Speaking to the other side is not like having a conversation with your best friend. I liken it to speaking on a mobile phone. One minute you have clear reception, the next it fades out. The energies can be strong then soften, as though Spirit is building up their strength to get the messages through. There is truth in the saying ‘a picture speaks a thousands words’. Often the energies will hold up a sign—I’ll hear a song in my head, see the name of a movie or be reminded of an event I experienced as though that is the example they are trying to show for me to correlate their message.

  Sometimes more than one energy will come through at a time. This can be frustrating to the client and to me. I liken it to talking to someone on the phone while someone else is also talking to you in the background.

  Spirit is just as eager to get messages through as we are to receive them, and when they see a psychic medium working they want to jump in on the party line and give a message to a loved one. It may even be the client’s next-door neighbour.

  The information comes through so quickly, and in different ways.

  I can feel—this is called ‘clairsentience’, or clear feeling—pains in parts of my body that may show where that person had a health condition or how they died, and until I get the information correctly the pain will stay. Sometimes I will taste something—perhaps a particular brand of chocolate, only to find out it was the deceased person’s favourite. I may smell a fragrance or a perfume—it could be rose, their favourite flower. I may hear—this is called ‘clairau-dience’, or clear hearing—words, songs and names. And I may also see—clairvoyance, or clear seeing—pictures, photos or names and numbers in my head. Sometimes they are coloured, sometimes they’re black and white.

  It can be difficult interpreting the signs and signals—it’s like asking you to remember what you saw in your favourite television show last night, or recalling a special photo. Those who can remember photo negatives will recall that a seemingly blonde person would be shown as a person with dark hair. This can be a trick the brain plays when interpreting events. Always ask a psychic how they see things. What you see may not be what they see, especially if you are colourblind.

  For radio we mapped out a format that to this day is still used for my other segments. The production crew solicited listeners to enrol via telephone. I’d be in a silent studio while they were phoned back. I’d be given their first name only. They’d be telephoned and I’d only ask the name of the deceased they wished me to contact and how old they were when they died.

  I would then ask them to think, feel or remember a happy moment or experience involving their beloved. Unknowingly for the client, this small exercise instantly appears to remove the veil of tension, apprehension and fear that they might have originally brought to the consultation. Their barriers are dropped, opening a more positive channel for Spirit to manifest. You know yourself when you’re trying to think of a name that has just slipped your mind, the more you force your memory recall, the more it eludes you until finally you relax and the name suddenly pops into your head. The more tense and restrictive the client is, the more energy I need to draw from my own field to break down the barriers they have unconsciously put in place. This then depletes my own energy reserves, leaving me more exhausted after a session.

  When they felt they could recall that memory, they were to say aloud their loved one’s name three times—three being the very mystical and spiritual numeral that represents Father, Son and Holy Spirit to the western world and in anci
ent times represented heaven, earth and the abyss. Then I would hang up and write down as much information as Spirit gave me. It’s not unusual to start receiving information from the dearly departed while the listener is thinking of a happy moment. It’s truly as if they have travelled into the future and knew that their moment was to come, waiting, just waiting for the invisible link from the living world to the afterlife.

  After the messages were delivered, I’d be called into the main studio with Jackie and Kyle. Sometimes there’d be ten pages or more of information given and I had to pick the best pieces because I had only two minutes of air time to relay this to the listeners. I liken it to trying to put pieces of a puzzle together, moving them around, seeing how they fit, what fits in where and how to respond to the emotional feelings of the dearly departed trying to convey a message to their loved one—all in a two-minute time frame. Hard going? Yes.

  People wonder why I speak so quickly when delivering readings.

  I’m trying to process all the information given by my six senses.

  When the information is received from Spirit, it comes through in clairaudient, clairsentient and clairvoyant senses—it’s unusual for a psychic to have mastered all three senses, that’s why I used the term ‘psychic’ rather than clairvoyant. I’m trying to process all the information that’s being received through these senses at one time, hence speaking rapidly as I interpret the flashes, flickers and feelings before me.